Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Our boys practiced their Mau rakau moves and showcased their learning after one session with lots of mana! Ka rawe hoki! 


Some of the girls learned a new rakau item with complex moves. They covered so much in just their first session! Kia mau te wehi!


Some of the girls have just begun learning the poi. Here is their first show and tell just after one session.

Kia manawanui! - keep going!

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Te Rangatahi performance at St Brigids 2014

A tu meke - stellar performance at St Brigids Festival last Saturday. Our Raroa Te Rangatahi students did us proud!! A special thanks to Rowena for filming this.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Te Rangatahi Assembly Run through

Today Te Rangatahi rehearsed through their short bracket for assembly this Friday.
Ka rawe hoki! Whaia ra te iti kahurangi kia kaha hoki te roopu Te Rangatahi o Te Kura Raroa - Achieve our goals - Go hardout! 

Monday, 25 August 2014

Karangatia Ra - Wahine part

Today our wahine practised their part in Karangatia Ra. Ka rawe hoki!!

Monday, 11 August 2014


Before the performance our wahine are busy getting ready with moko, hair and costumes.  The girls looked atahua - beautiful!

More adjustments made to the moko and hair!

Newtown Primary, Korina, Raroa and Ngati Poneke pictured from top to bottom. Performances of waiata, poi and haka delivered with such mana, grace and kaha.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Te wiki o te reo maori - maori language week

As part of maori language week I will be sending a word of the day out to classes. I hope to encourage classroom teachers to introduce these daily words as part of promoting te reo and get te reo happening even in a small way in each class at this school.
It has been great to have the support of staff and parents and we have been lucky enough to get hold of some posters and resources promoting te reo for each class. A big mihi to Mrs Hart, her Room 1 helpers and Atarau's whanau for helping with this.
There is also a maori book display in the library which is great to see, well done Ms Forrest.
Below are some useful links to resources you can use to help learn te reo. Teachers and students can click on these to help get te reo going!

For lesson ideas starting at level 1 go to:

Kupu o te ra - Word of the day

Register and get sent a word of the day. It gives you an explanation and sentence to show meaning. You can refine the word so it’s put in a context eg marae words (Browse Nga Kupu)
Great directory around Iwi and Maori organisations.  
Templates and posters you can download
Youtube clip using te reo

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Whakaeke (entrance)

Kia ora koutou! Please watch and rehearse this with Hari and Kapi. Try and learn as much as you can by next week.
Nga mihi Miss Fa'alogo

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Kupu o te wiki - Word of the week

Maori language week will be from the 21st to the 27 of July

As part of this te kupu o te wiki will be launched. See: www.koreromaori.co.nz

The aim of te kupu o te wiki is to introduce 50 new words over 50 weeks.

For this to work we need language leaders (students, parents and teachers) and we need to:

Help people with resources, promote kupu o te wiki and share online tips
Help people with pronunciation
Promote and use te reo especially in the classroom
Let people know that they are here to help

I’m also looking for students who may be interested in joining me on a Friday afternoon from 1.05 to 2.00pm to learn te reo alongside me and our current members.

If you are:
Enthusiastic about learning
Passionate about te reo
Have time to spare each week
Have some reo or can use someone to help you learn te reo (at school or home)

Then come and see me or email me at bowkettb@raroa.school.nz

(The resources for te kupu o te wiki will be available from June 27)

Great examples of te reo in use:

The boys talking the language of love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd90BwYTrOQ&feature=plcp

The boys go shopping

Monday, 19 May 2014


Nau Mai Haere Mai - Don't miss out!
What is a Pepeha?

Pepeha is a part of a whaikorero. It is the most appropriate part of a whaikorero for our staff, parents and students to learn. Expert or Not come to our event. More details provided in the link below.


Thursday, 15 May 2014


A snapshot of Te Rangatahi girls practising their formation with kaiako Hariata. Ka mau te wehi girls!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Te Reo Maori Class

Every Friday at 1.10 to 2.00pm we have a te reo maori extension class happening. This class is open to those who have a passion and interest in learning te reo and or have background knowledge in te reo and want an additional reo component to their learning. Currently we are working on making posters that show basic te reo such as numbers, colours, days of the week as well as words to waiata to help make te reo maori more visual in classroom. These are nearly completed and soon we will move into our next phase of work which will be making games that promote the use of reo maori. We also have our up and coming noho marae (starting in week 8) which we are all looking forward to and as part of the preparation for our noho we will start learning the art of pepeha in the middle of this term.

If any students are keen to join our extension group get in students and parents can contact me at bowkettb@raroa.school.nz

Mr Bowkett.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Monday, 10 February 2014

Te Rangatahi

Well done to all those students who turned up to the first session of Te Rangatahi! A big thank you to Miss Fa'alogo and Miss Herbert for taking the session. All students had a fantastic time learning Raroa E! 

Monday, 3 February 2014

Nau mai, haere mai,

I would like to welcome all new students to Raroa Normal Intermediate, here at Raroa you will be offered the chance to be a part of the Te Rangatahi cultural group which will perform at the St Brigids cultural festival later in the year. 

You will also get the chance to go on Noho Marae, this is a fantastic opportunity for those who haven't experienced staying on Marae. The classes that went last year had an absolute ball.

Mr Bowket will be running a extension Maori language class once a week throughout the year, this class will start shortly.

This class is open to any student who is:
- passionate and or interested in Maori language
- is wanting to learn and or be extended in Maori language
- has a good attitude and is looking to challenge themselves