Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Whakaeke - Entrance

A strong entrance rehearsal yesterday.....very stirring! Kia manawanui Te Rangatahi - go hard!

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Te Atua - Sign language actions

Kia ora koutou - Firstly Ka mau te wehi practice yesterday. As promised here is Hariata performing the sign language actions to Te Atua.  See you all apōpō :)

Monday, 17 August 2015

New waiata - Te Atua

Kia ora everyone. Please be familiar with this waiata for Sunday's practice this weekend :) The kupu/ words are in the waiata section in the above tab just scroll down. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! 

Sunday, 16 August 2015

PĀNUI- Upcoming Events for TE RANGATAHI

Kia ora koutou

Come along and support our kapa haka group in the following events. All welcome!

  • Pipitea Marae Kapa Haka Festival - Sunday 6th September
  • St Brigids Kapa Haka Festival - Saturday 19th September

More details to come! 

We have our Weekend Te Rangatahi Practice this coming Sunday.
Date: Sunday 23rd August
Time: 12.30 - 4pm
Venue: School Hall
Please bring your afternoon tea and a drink. Parents are welcome to attend.

Ngā mihi 
Miss Fa'alogo

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Whakaeke - Entrance

We rehearsed our entrance called Whakaeke today as part of our performance bracket, this is definitely work in progress. Kia manawanui!

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Whakaeke - Entrance

Kia ora koutou! 

Te Rangatahi - Thank you all for today's effort. Could you please learn this Whakaeke (entrance) performed above by Hariata, as much as you can by next Tuesday 30th June. The words/ kupu have been posted in the Waiata tab above, just click and scroll down.  

Ngā mihi

Sunday, 21 June 2015

How to find Matariki
Matariki is found low on the horizon in the north east of the sky. Try looking here between 5.30 a.m. and 6.30 a.m.
The pot
The pot
1. First find the pot (the bottom three stars of the pot are also called Tautoru, or Orion’s Belt). To find Puanga (Rigel) look above the pot until you see the bright star. To find Matariki, keep going.
2. To the left of the pot, find the bright orange star, Taumata-kuku (Alderbaran).
3. Follow an imaginary line from Tautoru (the bottom three stars of the pot), across to Taumata-kuku and keep going until you hit a cluster of stars.
4. That cluster is Matariki. If you have good eyes you should be able to pick out individual stars. If it looks fuzzy, look just above or just below and the stars will be clearer.
Matariki in the night sky

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Everyday this week we are posting ways to find out more about Matariki

Here are some examples:

Matariki: The Maori New Year - Find the answers to these:

1. In Maori what does Matariki mean?
2. What are some of the explanations given for the origins of the cluster of stars associated with the Maori New Year?
3. In traditional times what did Maori acknowledge with the arrival of Matariki?
4. How did Matariki affect Maori farming?
5. What role do kites (pakau) play in Maori celebrations of Matariki?

Revise your pepeha for Matariki!

Ko ______ te maunga (My mountain is _______)  
Ko ______ te awa (My river is _______)  
Ko ______ te kura (My centre/school is _______)  
Ko ______ te akomanga (My class group is _______)  
Ko ______ te/ngā kaiako (My teacher/s is/are _______)          
Ko ______ ahau (I am _______)

Sunday, 10 May 2015


E Te Atua kaha rawa manaaki tia ia matou i o pononga tino nui te honorē me te korōria mo ake tonu atu.

Te Rangatahi - please learn the karakia above.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Papaki titaha - Whakawhiti

TE RANGATAHI - Ka rawe hoki practice today (Tuesday 28th April), kia manawanui - keep it up! 
Please watch Hari and Kapi performing "Papaki titaha" above and practice the actions and kupu or words before next week. Thanks See you then!

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Whakawhiti - Paki Pakia

Te Rangatahi have just learned a new haka for wahine called Whakawhiti. Here you see Whakawhiti being performed then followed by Paki Pakia - the boys haka.

Could all Te Rangatahi members please watch the above clip and learn the kupu (words) and actions. Have a relaxing and safe holiday. See you next term!

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Te Reo class

On Monday we will be continuing with te reo class

We will need to go through these things:

How we work when we are at te reo class -
Revise what we did last time - classroom commands
Build on new learning - Pepeha posters

Classroom commands:
turituri - be quiet
kia tere - be quick
titiro mai - look this way
huri mai - turn this way
inaianei tonu, right now
kaua wareware - don't forget

This week we are learning and using these commands:
whakarongo mai - listen
kia tau - settle down
ka taea koe - you can do it
ka tika - that's correct

We will also start making pepeha posters which will include:
Tauparapara - you can chose and I'll show you one I use
Mihimihi - we can find basic ways to mihi
Pepeha - how you introduce yourself

Those of you who are a bit more advanced can find and use more extensive tauparapara, mihi and pepeha. Think of what else you can add rather than just the basics. I also would expect you to be able to write and say this to a group.

Monday, 16 March 2015



Please keep learning the haka.You sound great so far below I have posted Kapi performing the haka for you so you can practice in your own time. Tinō pai boys...well done!



KIA ORA! Well done in learning the words of Paki Pakia now please learn the actions of Paki Pakia. Here we have Kapi filmed so that you can practice in your own time. See you next Tuesday 24th March :)



Please learn the first verse of the waiata 'Te Atua' by next week - Tuesday 24th March. This sounds awesome so far. Keep it up girls! 

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Homework for next week! (Tuesday 17th March) - Paki Paki and Te Atua

Kia ora koutou Te Rangatahi!!

In the Waiata Lyrics page up in the top Menu you will find the lyrics to:
Te Atua - (wahine - girls)
Paki Paki - (tama - boys)
Scroll down and you will find the lyrics.

I will post Hariata singing Te Atua asap.
Ka mau te wehi! Awesome

Ngā mihi 
Miss Fa'alogo

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Matatini Competitions

Kia ora everyone
A message from Hari. If you have time today - Sunday 8th March. Try watching the Matatini competitions on Te Reo channel - Senior National Kapa haka (finals).

See you this Tuesday!

Monday, 2 March 2015


Above Hari demonstrates the Haukiwi haka. 

Could all students please learn the words for next weeks session - Tuesday 10th March. Haukiwi words are above - just click 'Waiata Lyrics'. 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Te Rangatahi - Hautotō rehearsal

WOW! Te Rangatahi's first session yesterday kicks off with  a great turnout of students! - Pai mārika! - that's great! Hari and Kapi were blown away!

Could all Te Rangatahi members please check out the kupu (words) in the tab up on the top menu bar - just click Waiata Lyrics and you can start practising Hautoto.

Kā kite! See you next week!